What Can I Do About the Grief I Experience as a Caregiver?
There are so many ways that can help you cope with your Grief so I provided a couple below that may assist you.
1. Keep a journal of your feelings/grief work. I created this blog “the Caregivers depot” as a way to express my feeling during my caregiving and after. Looking back actually helped me to see my progression.
2. Write a letter to the person who's died; tell them exactly what you're going through or resolve any "unfinished business".
3. Don't avoid Family Days -- plan ahead of time how you will make them special, what rituals will change, what will remain the same, and how you'll include the memory of the person who has died.
4. Tell others clearly what you want and need.
5. Eat healthy and exercise. Practice yoga or mediate
6. Be open and talk about your feelings.
7. Informal counseling (talk to family members and/or friends).
8. Formal counseling (appointments with a professionally trained counselor or therapist) if after informal counseling you feels that you’re in a deep depression.
9. CRY! Tears are as natural as laughter and just as healing. Tears, whether shared with others or shed in private, can help release bottled up sadness, anger, guilt, exhaustion and loneliness. It takes a great deal more energy to keep your feelings inside than to let them out.
10. Go outside see a movie, play and/or concert
11. PRAY
Feel free to add, share and/or comment on how you handle your grief. Remember caregivers usually have the role of being their loved ones hero. It’s normal to feel sad when that role ends. Remember that even though you may be grieving when your loved one is still there you have to ensure to have time for self-care.